Vision of the House
Praise Temple believes the church should be a full service center. The church is a living organism (not an organization, but a living organism) with Christ as the head. Therefore, we feel it is our duty to save the lost at all costs. We envision our fulfillment of Jesus’ change to spread the gospel by: (1) Putting God first and being led by the Holy Spirit; (2) Providing substance abuse counseling (Addiction Recovery Ministry – ARM); (3) Establishing a mentor program to present positive role models for young people (ROOTS Ministry – Raising Our Own To Succeed); (4) Establishing an education center for tutorial and literacy advocate programs, to offer general equivalency diplomas (GED), job skill training and job referral and related assistance services; (5) Feeding the hungry through a food/soup kitchen; (6) Providing a child care center; (7) Providing a 24-hour crisis/prayer line; and (8) Establishing shelters for battered women, homeless families, and substance abusers. God has given us the vision, we have written the vision to make it plain so those who are of a like mind and willing heart may catch the vision and join the army of the Lord to fulfill the vision.